EAS MAHLE -- Education Attainment SurveyLoading...Please provide the following information.Full Name: First, LastEmail AddressPhone Number1. What is your current job title? 2. In what MAHLE location do you currently work?Arkansas-RussellvilleCalifornia-BellIowa-AtlanticMichigan-BellmontMichigan-Farmington HillsMichigan-MuskegonMichigan-PlymouthMichigan-St. JohnsMichigan-TroyMississippi-Olive BranchNew York-LockportOhio-DaytonOhio-McConnelsvilleOhio-Mt. SterlingOntario, Canada-TilburyPennsylvania-YorkSouth Carolina-CharlestonTennessee-MorristownTennessee-MurfreesboroTexas-Fort Worth3. What is the highest level of education you have so far attained?3. What is the highest level of education you have so far attained?Bachelor’s DegreeGraduate CertificateMaster’s DegreeDoctoral Degree4. Have you previously taken online college courses?4. Have you previously taken online college courses?YesNoIf you chose "Yes," put the name of the institution in the blank.5. Have you previously attended Michigan Technological University?5. Have you previously attended Michigan Technological University?YesNo6. Are you currently interested in obtaining a college degree?6. Are you currently interested in obtaining a college degree?YesNoMaybe7. What type of degree would you like to earn?7. What type of degree would you like to earn?DoctoralMaster'sGraduate CertificateNon-Degree Seeking8. Please choose up to three online graduate programs in which you are interested. Indicate your first program of interest. (required)Advanced Electric Power Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Advanced Photogrammetry and Mapping With UAS (Graduate Certificate)Aerodynamics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (MS)Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Automotive Systems and Controls (Graduate Certificate)Business Administration (Master of)Civil Engineering (MS)Computational Fluid Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Control Systems (Graduate Certificate)Dynamic Systems (Graduate Certificate)Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)Engineering (Master of)Engineering Management (Master of)Engineering Sustainability and Resilience (Graduate Certificate)Foundations in Geographic Information Science for Natural Resources (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Cybersecurity (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Health Informatics (MS)Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (MS, PhD)Mechanical Engineering (MS)Mechanical Engineering--Engineering Mechanics (PhD)Public Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Public Policy (Graduate Certificate)Quality Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (Graduate Certificate)Security and Privacy in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Resilient Water Infrastructure (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Advanced Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Bridge Analysis and Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Hazard Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Timber Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Vehicle Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Water Resources Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Indicate your second program of interest. (optional)Advanced Electric Power Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Advanced Photogrammetry and Mapping With UAS (Graduate Certificate)Aerodynamics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (MS)Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Automotive Systems and Controls (Graduate Certificate)Business Administration (Master of)Civil Engineering (MS)Computational Fluid Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Control Systems (Graduate Certificate)Dynamic Systems (Graduate Certificate)Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)Engineering (Master of)Engineering Management (Master of)Engineering Sustainability and Resilience (Graduate Certificate)Foundations in Geographic Information Science for Natural Resources (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Cybersecurity (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Health Informatics (MS)Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (MS, PhD)Mechanical Engineering (MS)Mechanical Engineering--Engineering Mechanics (PhD)Public Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Public Policy (Graduate Certificate)Quality Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (Graduate Certificate)Security and Privacy in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Resilient Water Infrastructure (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Advanced Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Bridge Analysis and Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Hazard Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Timber Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Vehicle Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Water Resources Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Indicate your third program of interest. (optional)Advanced Electric Power Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Advanced Photogrammetry and Mapping With UAS (Graduate Certificate)Aerodynamics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (Graduate Certificate)Applied Statistics (MS)Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Automotive Systems and Controls (Graduate Certificate)Business Administration (Master of)Civil Engineering (MS)Computational Fluid Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Control Systems (Graduate Certificate)Dynamic Systems (Graduate Certificate)Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS)Engineering (Master of)Engineering Management (Master of)Engineering Sustainability and Resilience (Graduate Certificate)Foundations in Geographic Information Science for Natural Resources (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Cybersecurity (Graduate Certificate)Foundations of Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Health Informatics (MS)Hybrid Electric Drive Vehicle Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Manufacturing Engineering (MS, PhD)Mechanical Engineering (MS)Mechanical Engineering--Engineering Mechanics (PhD)Public Health Informatics (Graduate Certificate)Public Policy (Graduate Certificate)Quality Engineering (Graduate Certificate)Safety and Security of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (Graduate Certificate)Security and Privacy in Healthcare (Graduate Certificate)Resilient Water Infrastructure (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Advanced Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Bridge Analysis and Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Hazard Analysis (Graduate Certificate)Structural Engineering: Timber Building Design (Graduate Certificate)Vehicle Dynamics (Graduate Certificate)Water Resources Engineering (Graduate Certificate)9. If there is another program that you are interested in other than the ones offered by Global Campus, please describe it to the best of your ability in the space below. If there aren't any, just skip this question. 10. How likely would you be to start classes for your degree at Michigan Tech?10. How likely would you be to start classes for your degree at Michigan Tech?Very likelySomewhat likelyNeutralSomewhat unlikelyVery unlikely11. What are your top two motivations for pursuing an advanced degree?First motivationacquiring in-demand skillsbuilding a focus area for the current or future needs of MAHLEadvancing your career within MAHLEaccessing leadership opportunitiesincreasing your salaryfinishing something you previously startedachieving personal fulfillment/growthbuilding on your undergraduate educationSecond motivationAcquiring in-demand skillsBuilding a focus area for the current or future needs of MAHLEAdvancing your career within MAHLEAccessing leadership opportunitiesIncreasing your salaryFinishing something you previously startedAchieving personal fulfillment/growthBuilding on your undergraduate educationOtherIf you chose "other," please specify the reason.12. What top two barriers have previously prevented for from pursuing an advanced degree?First barrierInflexibility of scheduleLack of timeFinancesPersonal obligationsWork/family balanceSecond barrierInflexibility of scheduleLack of timeFinancesPersonal obligationsWork/family balanceOtherIf you chose "other," please specify the reason.13. When would you like to start your degree?13. When would you like to start your degree?Summer 2025 (May)Fall 2025 (September)Spring 2026 (January)14. What professional development / training courses are of interest to you? Select up to three.First choice (required)Accounting and FinanceCommunicationComputer Programs/LanguagesHuman ResourcesManagementOperations ManagementProject ManagementSecond choice (optional)Accounting and FinanceCommunicationComputer Programs/LanguagesHuman ResourcesManagementOperations ManagementProject ManagementThird choice (optional)Accounting and FinanceCommunicationComputer Programs/LanguagesHuman ResourcesManagementOperations ManagementProject ManagementOtherIf you chose "other," please specify the training you'd like to have. You're done! Thank you so much for completing our survey. Your feedback is so valuable to both MTU and your employer.CompanySubmit